Sunday, October 23, 2011

Are You Living As Though God Is A Drive-Thru? If You Are The Temple....Do You Represent The Outer Court, Inner Court, or Holy of Holies?

God is a God of convenience....but we have to stop treating Him like a drive-thru.   We have gotten so used to a fast paced society.   Where we can microwave and drive-thru and google it.....that we have began to worship God in the same manner.   Where we say "hallelujah" and expect God to move.   Or we say God knows and expect God to understand.    How can we expect God to continue to understand direct disobedience?   How can we expect God to continue to understand when we put more precedence in our jobs than we do Him?    How can we expect God to continue to understand when we continue to deny Him in our day to day walk?  

We have come so accustomed to relying on His grace and His mercy that we don't try.   We don't try to do what is right.  We don't try to pray.   We don't try to represent Him in anything we do.   At what point does God reveal His wrath?   The word wrath means extreme anger.   He has done it before and the Bible says that He will do it again.   Do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah?   Do you remember the flood?   Have you ever read that Jesus is coming back for His bride.....the church?    What is the adornment of a bride?   How is a bride distinguished from everyone else in the wedding party?   There is a difference and it is noticeable.   

Understand today that God is not McDonalds.   You can't just drive in .... tell Him what you want ..... and drive away.    The Bible tells us that we are dwell with Him.   To make Him our habitation.    To properly prepare for a wedding takes time.    Will you take the time that is necessary to be adorned as the bride of Christ.

You also have to understand that in the building of the temple there was the outer court, the inner court, and the holy of holies.   If you are the temple and these places represent your position in Christ.   Where will you be standing when Christ returns.    If you read Revelation will see that God told the angel to not even measure the outer court for it has been given over to the world.  It says that those will be the people (the ones in the outer court) that will trample on the Holy City.   To trample means to tread on and crush.   It means to treat with contempt.   

Although God is convenient because He is always available for us to go to.   We have to stop living our lives as though He is inconvenient until we want something.    Allow God to be your all and all.   Begin to adorn yourself for His return.    Stop living your life in the drive-thru.   Learn how to dwell.  

Worship For Today.....
"You Can Have Me"
Ministered By Sidewalk Prophets

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father GOD, You are my All and All. Let me continue to Rest and Dwell in YOU More and More all the days of my life!!!

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