Saturday, October 29, 2011

What's Easier? To Trust God....Or Figuring It Out On Your Own?

What's easier?   Is it easier to trust God or is it easier to try to figure it out on your own?    Trusting God is not easy.   Nor is it meant to be.   It takes effort.   It requires you to let go.  To get to a point of surrender.    Figuring it out.....working it out on your own.....requires you to carry the load by yourself.   A load that you were not designed to bear.  

The scripture says to trust in the Lord with all your heart.   To lean NOT on your own understanding.   To acknowledge Him in all that you do.....and that He will direct your path.    So we are to trust, lean, acknowledge,, and let Him direct us.    For so long we have trusted in what we can do.   We have lean on what we have thought was right.   We have only given acknowledgement to what we could do....and we have been led by our own thoughts and desires.

Shift today.   Do it God's way.   Allow Him to be the driver and you take the back seat.   It's too hard to try to do it on your own.   The road that we drive alone .... only leads to frustration and disappointment.   Whereas His road leads to eternal life.   

Let God be God.   Inside of God is everything that you need.    He encompasses all that you need and all that you need to give out.    Sometimes we wonder what we need to do for or give other people.   The answer is God's love.   It covers it all.   Every situation, Every Hurt, and Every pain.   It is all covered by God's love.  

Trust God today.....Lean On Him....Acknowledge Him in what you say and what you do.....and Allow Him to direct your path.   Your thought path as well as the path you walk.    His road takes you to everything that is needed for your life.   His road leads to eternal life.

Worship For Today.....
"I Will Follow"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's much easier for me to TRUST GOD!!!

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