Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Attachments In Life Don't Make You Complete.....Completion Comes From God Alone.....

To be complete.   To have all the necessary or appropriate parts.   That's what God wants us to be.   He wants us complete in Him.   The problem is we try hard to make our ownselves complete.   We try to decipher what it is we need in order to be what we call full.   However, what we think we need for completion may not be what God is saying we need. 

We have to learn how to trust Him.   To trust that the Creator knows His creation.   That He knows what it will take to make what He has created function to the fullest capacity.    Function is defined as the purpose for which something is designed.   We have to trust that God knows the "exact" purpose for which He designed us.  

What we tend to do is add attachments to our lives.   An attachment is not necessary in order for the main part of a thing to work.    The word attachment means "in addition to".    What we have to understand is the core of a thing will work with or without the attachment.   However, the attachment can not function alone.  

It's time to concentrate on the functionality of the core.    What it takes in order for the core of our being to function function to it's fullest extent.   How do we upkeep the core?   What do we feed the core?    We get so busy trying to add on and enhance that we allow the core to deteriorate.   But if the core breaks down....nothing will stand.  

The core of who you are is the reality of who God is in you, to you, and through you.    It is the basis of who you are and what you believe.    How can you add to your core if there are holes in what you believe and what you do.    You must become stable in what you believe.   You must become stable in what you do.   You must become stable in knowing that the very essence of who you are is what God is.   For God created you in His image and after His likeness.   He did not create you as animals to live wild and off the land.   He created you in a way that would reflect who He is and what He has done.

Be who you are today.   There is no need to add to God's perfect work.   For you are already complete in Him. 

Worship For Today....
"I Am What You See"
Ministered By William Murphy (on Paul S Morton CD)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Father that I don't need any attachments because I an WHOLE and COMPLETE in YOU!!!

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