Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Understanding That You Are A Piece In God's Puzzle and There Is Someone Else Connected To Your Life ....

There is a lot for you to do.   There is a lot that God wants you to do.    Then there is a lot that you want to do.    We have to learn how to prioritize.    Sometimes we look and we see all that needs to be done and we want to do it all.    We want to help everybody and we want to accomplish all things.   The first question must be is it what God is telling us to do?    Sometimes we do so much stuff that it takes us away from what God wants us to do in Him.   

God wants us blessed.   He wants us prosperous.   He wants us healthy.   He wants us strong.   More than that .... God wants to use us.    What we have to undertand is that there is a difference in being used by God and just being used.   

Begin to look at your life.   Begin to look at your lifestyle.   Are the things that you are doing reflecting back to who God is.    The places you are going.   The people you are hanging with.   Is there an edification process taking place?   Whether it be in you or in them  .... someone should leave built up, encouraged, or strengthened.   

Get to a place where you no longer waste time?   Where your life is centered around doing whatever it is that God needs and wants you to do.    Do things that edify and strengthen those around you.   Learn how to let go of what is not of God.    Understand today that your life is part of the puzzle of God's plan.    There are many pieces to a puzzle.   But each piece connects.    Understanding how each piece connects shows you that there is someone else connected to your life.   It is imperative that you get in place for them.     In other words .... someone elses destiny is connected to you being in place.  The position that God has called you to be in.    It's really not about you.   So that is why we can no longer waste time.   

Worship For Today .....
"Show Me Your Glory"
Ministered By Lakewood Live

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Will You Be Extreme For God Today?

What is the "extreme" thing that you are doing for God today?    Extreme means reaching a high or highest degree.   It means excessive.   When something is excessive, it is more than what is necessary.    What is it that you are doing for God today that goes beyond your norm?    To some people the norm is just saying thank you.   To some people the norm is saying the Father's Prayer.    No one knows your norm but you and God.     The things you normally do.    Are you willing to step out on faith and push beyond your norm today.    To go into the realm of the unknown.   To pray like you never have before.   To worship like you never have before.     Maybe you have never shared your faith.    Are you willing to do that today?    What is it that you can do today that you haven't done before.   

It's time to step into extreme faith.    There are people that need to see the God in you.    You are their designated light.   The problem is .... if you never turn on your light within ..... how can they see?   How can they know the things that are surrounding them.    If you stay with them in a dark room and have the ability to within you to shine forth light ......    What happens when they stumble and fall.   When they get hurt.    Have you ever considered the fact that you could have provided the light that was needed in order to reveal the obstacles that were in the way.   

No not everyone will want to see your light and there will be some that will try to cover it up because they just prefer to stay in dimness and darkness.   However, it is still up to us to shine forth light where it is needed and pray that those around us will recognize the obstructions in the way.  Understanding that an obstruction is anything that impedes or prevents passage or progress.     Amen...

Worship For Today .....
"Made Me Glad"
Ministered By Hillsong

Monday, February 27, 2012

What Is The Difference? Is There A Noticeable Difference In You and The World?

What differentiates you from the world?   What is the noticeable difference between you and the world?   How are your thoughts different from that of the word?   How are your actions different from that of the world?   Is the word of God really being effective in your life?   Do you take the word as final authority for what you do and what you say?    Or do you read it and pick out what sounds good and what feels good to your flesh to do?    What do you think you are accountable for?   Part of what God has said or all of what God has said?    

So often we use the scripture that says that it is the truth that you know that will set you free.    We fail to read the "and" that comes at the beginning of that verse (John 8:32).    The word and means "in addition to".   So we have understand that something else comes along with knowing the truth and being free.     In John 8:31, Jesus is talking to the Jews and He is talking about believing in Him and  abiding in His word.  You have to understand that if you want to truly be free..... you have to first abide in His word.   You cannot know the truth unless you living it.   

John 8:31-32
31So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples.  32And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
It's time to get to the place of abiding .... so that you can truly be FREE.  

Worship For Today ....
"Holy Is The Name"
Ministered By Nicole C. Mullen

Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Would It Take For You To Give God Your All? We Have To Get To A Point Of Being Harnessed By The Word Of God ....

What would it take for you to give God your all?    You say you love Him.... yet you hold on to "you".    You say you trust Him .... yet you hold on to "you".    You say you believe Him....yet you hold on to "you".    What is that about?   The holding on to you?   Is it about control?    Do you really want to try to control your own life?   It is so much bigger than you?    There is so much you cannot see.   Yet God can see all things because all things exist in Him.    Why is it that you feel the need to control "you"?   What is it going to take for you to give it all to Him?    

The thing about control is .... when we try to control our lives .... it become unrestrained.   We have to understand today that it is God and His word that are our restraint.     A restraint is a measure or condition that keeps us within limits.    It is a harness.    What happens if you don't harness your emotions?   What happens if you don't harness your actions?   What happens if you don't harness your fears?    Uncontrolled emotions, uncontrolled actions, and uncontrolled fears lead to undesirable results.    We have to be harnessed by God's word in order to stay in the limits of God's will.   

You say you want God to use you today.    In order to be used by God ..... you have to be willing to be harnessed by God.     To be geared up in Him and His word.    Allow you life to be God's light.    The one requirement is letting go of what you have been holding on to .... and the thing that you have been holding on to is self.

Worship For Today .....
"Lord I Praise You"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Saturday, February 25, 2012

What Does It Mean To Be Holy, Pure, and Acceptable? Don't Allow The Things Of Your Past To Be A Stumbling Block For Your Future.....

What is it that you are thinking on?   What is it that you are doing?   The Bible is clear.   Have you taken the time to read what it says in Philipians 4?   What is it that you are rejoicing in.   To rejoice means to gladden or delight oneself in something.    Is the source of your delight Godly or is it even of God?    Are you allowing the peace of God to bring tranquility to your soul?    To your mind .... to your will ..... and to your emotions.     We have to be careful and make sure that the things that we are finding our delight in are of God.    Remember the devil knows the things that have proven to be a stumbling block in your past.   The seeds that were planted and that would try to spring forth in your now (which was then your future).    

Are you feeding your passions or are you causing the word of God  to arise in you?    The thing that you are doing .... is it of God?    Is He looking at you and saying .... "I am well pleased" or is He asking why are you allowing the seed of your past to dictate your future".  

Always weigh what you do by the word.   Let the word be the guide that you go by.   Let it have final authority in your life.   Don't allow "lust" to dictate your life and your lifestyle.    Lust is an overmastering desire or craving.    When something overmasters you .... it overtakes and overcomes you.     Is your life worth the outcome.     The ultimate result of living by your mind, your will, and your emotions.    
4Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice!  5Let all men know and perceive and recognize your unselfishness (your considerateness, your forbearing spirit).  The Lord is near [He is [a]coming soon].  6Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition ([b]definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. 7And God's peace [shall be yours, that [c]tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall [d]garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
    8For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].
9Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of [e]untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you.

Worship For Today .....
"Pure and Holy Passion"
Ministered By William Murphy

What Are You Allowing To Discredit God In Your Life?

If God called you and laid everything before you today and told you to choose. What would your choice be? Would your choice be based on your deisres or His word? Would they be based on things that are holy and pure or the desires of your flesh?

Know today ...... that this is exactly what God is doing. He is saying choose this day who you will serve. Choose this day what you will reflect. Choose this day what you will say. He is giving you a choice. He is not going to answer it for you. He is not going to make you do the right thing. You have to choose. You have to make the decision that you want to honor God in all that you do. Your words mean nothing if your actions don't follow what you say. Your lifestyle presents a picture. You are painting a portrait for all to remember. What do your wnat your kids to see? How do you want them to reflect?

Do you not understand that everything in life comes to a point of being uncovered. Will those around you still respect you when the uncovering takes place?  When the outward appearance is gone and the truth behind how you think, act, and feel is revealed? Will they see the same you? Will the voice behind your actions still be God's voice? Understand today that demons speak. The definition of a demon is a cruel, evil, destructive person or thing. Destructive means to negate or be unhelpful. It means to overthrow, disprove, or discredit. What in your life are you allowing to discredit who God is? How exactly did you get to that place?

Friday, February 24, 2012

What Are You Allowing To Dominate Your Life? Are There Any Jezebel Spirits In Your Life?

What we have to understand first and foremost is that Jezebel is not just a person in the Bible.   Jezebel is a spirit and this spirit is operative throughout the world today.    The Jezebel spirit is one of domination and control.   It seeks to manipulate situations and circumstances in order to achieve the ultimate goal of control.   This Jezebel spirit seeks to have and maintain control "by any means necessary".   This spirit is not always obvious.   It actually appears to be submissive in order to gain influence.    It is a spirit of deception and a spirit of manipulation.   

There are many factors that influence our lives today.   Some we have control over and some we do not.   But we have to become more aware.   Aware of the things that we allow to enter our lives.   Our thoughts.  The things that we allow to influence our action and contribute to our emotions.    It's time to look around and see and actually ask yourself ..... what is influencing your actions and reactions to and in life.    

Is it people?   Is it places?   Is it things?    What is dominating your thoughts and causing you to make the  decisions you are making?   Are you being intimidated by the world?   By the worlds way of doing things.   Intimidation means ..... to make timid or to fill with fear.   Is fear controlling your life?   If so.....what is the source of your fear?    You have to be aware of what is happening to you and around you.    You have to notice the spirits that are operative in your life and you have to know how to deal with them.    

It's time to purge.   When you purge ..... you rid yourself of things that are unwanted and unnecessary.    It means to cleanse and to purify.    But in order to truly cleanse and to truly purify .... you have to be at a place of letting go.    Of letting go of your past, of letting go of your hurt and your pain.   These are things that fall under the Jezebel spirit.   The things that try to control how you think and how you feel.    That dominate who you are.     Are you ready to let go today?


Today Father we come before you confessing your word. Confessing who you are in our lives. Not only do we ask you in ..... but today we "speak" you into our lives. Into our situations. Into to our hopes and into our dreams. For our hopes and dreams are nothing without you. Father no longer will we contend with your word .... but we will understand that it is by you that we live, we breathe, and we have our being.

So today Father we say .....

"I am a child of God. I was created by Him and for Him. Everything that I do will line up with His word and His will for my life. When I look at the stars and the beauty of His handiwork .... I understand how beautifully and wonderfully He made me. How He reached down within Himself and created me. I am His child. I am the child of the King. Not just a king..... but the King. The Creator of the universe created me. I am special. I am known by God. Nothing within my life goes unnoticed by God. When I am lonely .... He is my comfort. When I am sick .... He is my Healer. When I am lost ..... my God delivers me. What more can I ask that He has not already given me. Jesus died for me. Listen world .... I am speaking aloud .... do you understand? Jesus died for me. The Bible tells me that all of creation will praise the Lord. It says that if I don't say something .... the rocks will cry out in my place. It shall not be that a rock will speak for me. For I am a living stone in the divine building of God. He created me with the purpose of praising Him. Today I lift my voice. Today I speak aloud. Today I praise my King. My Father. My Creator. With all that I am. I do praise you Lord. Today and every day I will walk in the power who I am in Christ. I am strong. I am not defeated. I have all and know all .... because the all and all resides on the inside of me. God's Spirit lives in me. God's power covers my life. I am His child. Wonderfully and perfectly made in Him."      Amen....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are You Personifying God's Voice In The Earth and Allowing Your Life To Be A Light That Leads?

So what are you thinking?   Are you thinking that you want to be all that you can be for God?   Or are you thinking that you want God to be all that He can be for you?      Which way should you be thinking?   All for God or God all for you.    Actually both ways are right.   You should want to be all that you can be for God.   To desire to live your life in a way that is pleasing to Him and for Him.    At the same time, you should want God to be all that He can be in you.    That however requires your submission.    Your letting go.   Your yielding to His plan and His purpose.    No more of you .... but all of Him.   

We have to wrap our heart and our minds around the fact that it's all about God.   This walk .... this talk .... this life and this lifestyle are all about Him.   About fulfilling His purpose and His plan in the earth.   Yielding and surrendering to Him.     Trusting and believing Him.    It's not about what you can do.   It has never been about you.   It is always about how we can honor Him with our lives and our lifestyles.    

Take today and meditate on what you can do in Him.   Also meditate on what He can do in you.   Yield today.   Praise today.   Bless Him today.    Magnify your Lord and your Savior with your life.     Allow your life to be a light that leads others to Him.    Allow your praise and your worship to produce a resonate sound.    A sound that will causes others to listen and to make decisions for Him.     Personify God's voice in the earth.    Let His sound be heard through you.   

Worship For Today .....
"Orphans Of God"
Ministered By Avalon

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's Time To Stop and Think About The Excellence and Beauty Of God?

Have you ever stopped to think about how excellent God is?   Excellent means extremely good and outstanding.   It means splendid, first-rate, and superb.   That's your Daddy.   He is excellent.    When we say oh Lord our God .... how excellent is your name.   We are saying how extremely good, outstanding, splendid and superb are you oh God.    There is none that compares to God.   Our Father....our King.   Our Savior....our Redeemer.    He is totally majestic.   When something is majestic .... it shows impressive beauty and dignity.   It is magnificent and grand.    Nothing compares to it.   

When you think of God today .... think of His beauty .... think of His grandeur.   Think about how your God who does all and created all ..... loves you.    Sometimes we feel as though we are missing love.   We just want someone to hold us and to love us.   But think about it ..... the God who created the universe ..... the greatest love there is .... is holding you .... is loving you.    You are loved perfectly by your Father.   The perfection of love .... for He is love.    

The beauty of who God is ... is His love.   Understand today that that same love is on the inside of you.   The beauty of who God is resides on the inside of you.    So the next time you feel as though you have no value.... open up and look inside ..... the value of who God is and the beauty of who God is .... resides on the inside of you.   

Worship For Today ....
Ministered By Gateway Worship

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Is It About God That You Don't Understand?

What is it about God that you just don't understand?   Do you not understand that He is holy and righteous?   Do you not understand that He is all powerful and all knowing?   Do you not understand that He is the healer?   Do you not understand that He will deliver you?   Do you not understand that He is your strength when you are weak?    Do you not understand that He is your peace in the midst of the storm?   Do you not understand that He is your source and your supply?   Do you not understand that it is in Him that you live, breathe, and have your being?   Do you not understand His grace and His greatness?    Do you not understand His love and His mercy?    Do you not understand His power to set you free?    Do you not understand His blood that saved you?    Exactly what is it about God that you don't understand.   

Take hold of the scripture today.    Medidate on Proverbs 4:7 ....  Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.   Understanding is defined as comprehension and personal interprestation.    Get to know God for yourself.   Understand who He is ..... so you can tell someone else what you know.   

Worship For Today .....
"That's Who You Are"
Ministered By Freddy Rodriguez

Monday, February 20, 2012

God Has Given Us An Outline.....It Is Time To Read and Live By His Instructions For Our Lives .....

What is it that you think God wants you to do today?    Are you willing and ready to do it?    Are you ready to surrender all?   Ready to give it all over to God?    He wants all of you.   Every care .... every worry .... every hurt ..... and every pain.    What we try to do is carry it all.   We try to figure it all out on our own.   But that is not how God designed us.    He designed us and also gave us an instruction booklet on how we are to operate.    The Bible is our book of instructions.     In the word it says to cast all of our cares on Him.    In the word it says to pray without ceasing.   In the word it tells us how to walk .... how to talk .... how to trust .... and how to believe.   

It's all there.   In God's word.    Yet we have a hard time.   We sit back and try to figure out what we have already been told how to do.    How funny is that.    Have you ever brought something new and instead of reading the instructions on how to put it together or how to make it work.....we try to do it on our own.   We try to assemble it and work it without even opening up the instructions.    That is how we do life.   We try to put our lives together on our own.    We try to operate in life on our own.   Without ever reading God's word.   

It's time to read and live by what God has outlined for our lives.    We were not meant to live by trial and error.    We were created in His image and after His likeness and we are supposed to live like His children.    God did not place you here without a plan.    His plan for your life is that you prosper and be in health.   His plan for your life is that you be successful in everything you put your hands to.   His plan for your life is that you live it to reflect who He is.  Why are your struggling with what to do when He has already told you what to do.   It's time to do it God's way.    His way is the only way that will work.   

Take A Moment To Pray With Us Today .... PRAYER FOR TODAY - February 20, 2012 (Asking God To Meet Needs Today .... Not Only For Our Home But Throughout The World) ..... posted on 

Worship For Today ....
"I Know The Plans I Have For You"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Achievement.....What Are You Trying To Achieve? The One Thing That We Must Accomplish In Life Is Learning How To Wait On God .....

What are you trying to achieve?   Who are you trying to please?   Achievement is something you do by effort, courage or skill.    Please means to cause someone to feel happy.    The question is.....what is it the something that you are doing and who are you trying to cause to be happy?   If it is anyone other than God .... you are off track.   You have missed it.   

You have to first understand why you were created.    You were created by God for God.    We miss it when we begin to think its all about us.   What we can do and what we can achieve.    That's not God.    God actually told us to rest in Him and let Him do what needs to be done.    We expend a lot of energy trying to figure it all out.   How to make things work.   When God has told us that all that we have to do is give it to Him and let Him reveal to us what it is we need to do.    Think about it ..... throughout the Bible we see where God sent angels or prophets to go and tell the people exactly what they needed to do to be whole and to meet their needs.    They sought God's direction and they waited on God's answer.   We on the other hand .... we don't wait for God.   We try to figure it all out on our own.   We ask Him for help ..... yet we don't wait for His response and His direction.   

It's time out for trying to do it on your own.   Doing that is just a waste of time and we eventually have to come right back to God for the answer.    Make up in your mind that you are going to just trust and wait.   Trust God for the answer and wait on His response.     The one thing that we need to achieve in life is learning how to wait on God.  Remember achievement is something you do by effort, courage or skill.   It does require effort to be still and wait.   It does require courage to stand in the midst of an attack and say God's got me.   It does require skill to know how to pray and wait for God's response.

Worship For Today ...
"All I Need Is You"
Ministered By Kim Walker - Jesus Culture

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What Is The Word That You Are Living? Is It God's Word or Your Words? What Is Dictating Your Life?

So what is the word that you are living?   Are you living the word that says by Jesus stripes I am healed?    Are you living the word that says that my God shall supply all my needs?   Are you living the word that says the joy of the Lord is your strength?   What is it that you are living?   Are you living the word that says that God will give you a peace beyond your understanding?    Are you living the word that says that you are forgiven?    What word is dictating your life?

God has given you a word for your life.   For your situation.   For right now.   The question is are you living His word or are you making up your own words concerning your life.    His word provides protection.   Your word leaves you open for attack.     It's time to get into God's word.   It time we understand what He meant when He said  .... he  that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.    There is a dwelling place in God.   There is a peace in God.   There is power in God.   
But you have to get where God is.    Understand that God and His word are one.    We have to get into the place of oneness with God.   The place where we trust, believe, and abide in His word and what He has said.  

Worship For Today ....
"Secret Place"
Ministered By Jai Reed & Bishop Lester Love

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rest In The Majesty Of The Father .... The Sovereignty and Power Of God.....

2nd Post Today..... Please Be Sure To Read The Prayer Below .....

When you stop and look at all that God has done.   When you look at the beauty of His holiness.   When you look at His divine creation.   What do you see?    Do you see His splendor and His glory?   Do you see His majesty and His love?   

God is the divine Creator.   Everything that is .... is because He is.    Remember He said I am that I am.   In other words .... He is saying .... I am "that" ..... "that" I am.     When you open your hands and you see the lines and the prints..... do you see the majesty of the Lord?   How divinely He created you.   How sweetly He covered you.    How brilliantly He designed you.     Oh how majestic is our Father.   How lovely is His name.   Majesty.... Creator.... and King.    The God that sees all and knows all .... created you.   He is holding you.   He is loving you.    The Lord.... our Savior.... our King ..... has His eyes are on YOU.  

What more do you want .... what more do you need?    Everything you will ever need is in the majesty of the Lord.    Understand that majesty means sovereignty and power of God.    So everything that YOU need is within the power of our Father.    It is within Him to do.    Understand today that God does not mass produce..... everything that He does is unique and comes in its own timing.....    Understand the creativity of the Creator .... knowing that what He has for YOU has been distinctively designed for you and you alone.   

Worship For Today ....
"I Am"
Ministered By CeCe Winans


As you can see from the links that show up on the side of the page .... there are many things that I post on the "Daily Moments With God Facebook Page" that I don't post here.   But this morning I posted a prayer that I wanted to make sure covered all of our "Daily Moments With God Family".   We are a family brought together by God.    So I am posting this on the websites along with the Facebook page ....  Amen.....

Father thank you for our Daily Moments With God family.   Thank you for bringing us together in you.   Thank you for positioning us to praise you together.   To grow in you together.   To trust you together.    Father you are so awesome.  You have uniquely and divinely brought us together .... everyone on this page ....  for such a times as this.
Now Father I thank you for the direction that you are giving us.   I thank you for the word that you are planting inside of us.    I thank you for the wisdom that you are pouring out upon us.    Father I thank you for the covering that you are providing for us.   The covering of you word.   The covering of your wisdom.   The covering of your prayer.    Father this is all about you.    This is a people that are hungry for you.    A people that are saying give us more Lord.    More of you.   More of your wisdom,  more of your power, more of your glory.    Let us see more of who you are.   Let us walk more in your word.    Less of us and more of you Daddy.    

Father today I plead the blood of Jesus over each and every life.    I speak divine protection over each and every life represented by the the "likes" on this page.   I speak wholeness and holiness.   Father I speak peace and direction.    Father today I speak provision into their lives.   Father you said that we could speak a thing and so shall it be.    Father I speak over these your children.    I speak love over them.   I speak peace.   I speak joy and happiness.    I speak strength Daddy.    For you said in your word that the joy of the Lord is our strength.   Strengthen them Father.   Father I speak love.   Father that is who you are.   Be that to them.   Be that in them.   Be that through them.
Father these are they that are seeking your face.   That are seeking your word.   That are calling on your name.    Father you said if we call you will answer.   Father I ask that you show up in their lives today.    Show up in such a way that they will run and tell the world .... look what my Daddy did for me.    Where their  testimony will be to strong to hold back.   Do it Daddy.    Let the world see through their testimony the reality of who you are.
In Jesus name I do pray.    Amen

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Are You Living Your Life Based On Chance or Are You Walking It Out In Faith? Do You Know What It Means To Have Whole Life Prosperity (It's Not About Money)?

Are you living by chance or by God's word?   The thing is  .... chance means that there is a possibility of something happening.    It means that it is haphazard or random.   It says that there is a chance that it may not happen.    Understand today that that is not faith.    Faith is based on the word of your Father.    Your Father has outlined life and the answers to life in His word.   He has promised us in His word that He will take care of all the things that concern us.    He has said that He will heal us..... deliver us..... and make a way for us.    God does not abide in the realm of chance and He does not want us living our lives based on possibility.    Possibility says it may or may not happen.   It says that there is a possibility that God may not do what we need done.    Understand today .... God always manifests for us.    It may not be in the way we expected .... because He knows the best way for our lives.    He knows the life lesson that will be needed next week, next month, or next year.      He knows what it is going to take to process the junk out of us and to build up our belief.    

God loves you and He wants you to live in His best.   He wants you to be able to walk out each day of your life free from worry and stress by placing your belief and trust in Him and Him alone.  He wants you to understand .... even when its hard to understand .... that He's got it.    He's in total control of everything that concerns you.    Your family, your friends, your job .... your total life.      So often we talk about prosperity and we assume that it is all  about money.    But understand that God wants you to have whole life prosperity today.     It does no good to have money if your body is not healed.   It does no good to have money if you don't have peace in your home.    It does no good to have money if you don't have a relationship with God.    True prosperity is whole life ..... nothing missing, nothing lacking, and nothing broken.   

Take time to read your word today .....  to find out what God is trying to say to you and through you.    Take time to get the word inside of you .... so that it will produce peace within you.    Being established in the word of God causes you to no longer live your life by chance ..... but to live it in the knowledge of who God is to you and what He said He would do for you.    

"Jesus, Lover Of My Soul"
Ministered By Misty

Worship For Today ....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why Are You Trying To Handle Life Alone? God Is Right Here Waiting To Help You With The Responses To Life.....

Why is it that we try to handle life on our own?   We go from trying to figure it out to trying to work it out.    We make it so difficult.   We worry.....we fret.    We look for answers instead of just looking to God who is the answer.     No matter what the scenario or what the problem is .... God is the answer.     The word answer means a solution or response.     We have to learn how to let our response "always" be God.     When sickness knows on your door ..... your response should be .... by His stripes I am healed.    When lack threatens your house ..... your response should be ...... my Father knows the things I have need of and He is faithful and just to provide me with those things.      When your supervisor is acting "abnormal" .... your response should be ..... I will love my enemies and pray for those who persecute me.      A God response.    

Everything that you do and everything that you are .... you are in God.    If you are everything in God .... you can't answer your problems outside of who He is.     You can't work things out without making Him your determining factor.    When you take God out of the equation .... you are then operating in self.    Self motivation and self preservation.    Please know today that you are not able to preserve your own life.    

Let your prayer today be for God to step in and help you.    Yield to Him and take down the walls that you have built up in your heart and in your mind.   Understand the reality of who He is and what He wants to do in YOUR life.   God loves you.   His desire is that you live in the fullness of the love that He has for you.    But in order to live in His fullness .... you can not be residing in self.     Self righteousness, self gratification, and self pity.    
"All I Need Is You"
Ministered By Hillsong
Worship For Today ......

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Let Your Love Extend Beyond Today ..... and Know The Love Of God Goes Beyond Everything Else In Your Life

Today and every day is a day of love.   Today is the day that world takes to tell someone special that they love them.   But we need to  make sure that we are telling people every day that we love them.   That we are there for them.   That we need them.   That they have value.   

Don't ever let people feel as though they are only valuable to you on one special day.   Do you feel as though their value diminishes after one day?  Of course not.   So be sure to tell those that you love that you love them every day.   That today you celebrate the love you have.    Let it be like the Father's love .... unending and unchanging.    Let your actions line up with your words.     Let your confession be that of I Corinthians where we see what love is and what love is not.     Let the love of God be your guide.

Know that the love of God goes beyond any and everything else in your life.   Know that it sees all....knows all....and covers all.   Know that the love of God covers you and comforts you.    Take time to reflect today on what true love is.   You have a perfect picture when you look at the love God has for you.       

Today is the day that God has made.   Let's rejoice and LOVE in it.   Amen......

Worship For Today ....
"Oh How We Love You'
Ministered By Preshea Hilliard

Monday, February 13, 2012

Living Life In The Knowledge Of God .... Making Up In Your Mind .... and Determining In Your Soul (Your Mind, Your Will, and Your Emotions) That God's Got It ...

So in thinking about God and all that He has done .... do you now realize the love that He has for you?   Do you understand His goodness, His grace, and His mercy?   When you look at your you see Him in you?   How He is working out situations for your good?   How He is healing your body?   How he is manifesting His goodness, grace, and mercy  in  your life?  Do you see the power that prevails in your life from within?   Your battle is first off in your mind.   You have to make up in your mind and determine in your soul (your mind, will, and emotions) that God's got it.   That the battle belongs to Him and that it is already won..... because God cannot fail.   

The Bible says in Matthew 21 that if we have faith and DO NOT doubt ..... whatever we ask in prayer ..... believing we shall receive.     Look at the requirements ..... FAITH .... NO DOUBT .... BELIEVING .... THEN RECEIVING.     Understand the order and understand that it all works hand in hand.    In order not to doubt .... you must have faith.    In order to believe ..... you must have faith without doubting.   In order to receive .... you must have faith, without doubting and you must believe.     But the core of all that you ask of God is having faith .... trusting and believing that He is who He said He is and that He will do what He said He will do.    

Live your life today in the knowledge of who God is.   Live your life today knowing that He is God and He cannot lie.    Live your life today knowing that He sees all and does all according to His word.....His promises to you.     Trust the word within today.   Trust the power of the Father that resides on the inside of you today.    Trust what God has said and watch Him do what He said He would do.     

Worship For Today .....
"I'll Trust You Lord"
Ministered By Donnie McClurkin

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Understanding That God Is the Essence Of Life ..... and Learning What It Means When To Have The Breadth Of God Within You ....

The essence of life.    Essence means the most important ingredient....the crucial element.     We need to stop and think about it.   The essence of our life is God.   The Bible says in Acts 17:28  .... .in Him (God) we live, we move, and have our being.     Genesis 2:7 says that the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.   Understand today that man did not become alive until he received the breadth of God.    Understand that breadth means the extent of something from side to side.    The vastness ... the greatness .... the broadness.     When God breathes life into us .... He breathes in us His knowledge and the capacity to understand His word.   

There are many facets of God .... but we have the capacity to understand all of who He is and what He desires to do within us.   We have to just begin to allow the knowledge that has been breathed in us to come up out of us.    We have to learn how to understand everything that He has placed on the inside of us.   The word, the wisdom, the peace, and the power.   We have to understand it before we can truly walk in it.  

The first step to understanding is acknowledgement.   Acknowledging that you can be nothing or do nothing without God.   Acknowledging that He is your help and He is your strength.   Acknowledging that His Spirit resides on the inside of you and that you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you.   

Never think that you can live this life alone.   Never think that you don't need God.    Life can be weighty.    When something is weighty can become very heavy and hard to carry.   It can incapacite you.   Keep you from functioning properly.    Learn how to live life in God.   Learn how to cast your cares on Him.   Learn how to allow Him to be the author and finisher of everything in your life.    Trust Him to be your all and all.     Understand today that He is the essence of your life.   

Worship For Today ....
"You Are The Living Word"
Ministered By Fred Hammond

Saturday, February 11, 2012

God Is Trying To Tell You Something .... Are You Listening?

God is trying to tell you something.   Are you listening?   When you listen you take notice to what someone is saying and you act on it.    There is a difference between listening and hearing.    The act of perceiving a sound.    We hear things going on around us every day ..... but everything that we hear .... we do not necessarily act upon.    We have to get to a place of listening to God.   Listening to His voice and obeying His word.    

Understand today that words carry within them the ability to produce.   The ability to cause things to change.   Whether for the good or for the bad.    They carry within them the power to shape and to form ideas and ideals.    An idea is a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.   Whereas and ideal is an honorable or worthy principle or aim.  

Not only do we have to begin listening to what God is saying ..... we have to begin to let what He is telling us form within us "ideals".   Worthy and honorable principles.     Understand today that God does not waste words.   His words carry within them life and power and the power of His word is never ending.    When you looks at the words written in the Bible ..... they are still producing life within us today.    So whatever He says .... it is meant to stay with us.    To change us.   To produce life in us.   

It all goes back to recognizing the voice of God.    There are many people talking ..... you need to be sure of what you are "listening" to.   The things that you not only hear .... but those things that you also act upon.  

Worship For Today .....
"Hello Lord"
Ministered By Sara Groves

Friday, February 10, 2012

Is Your Relationship With God Your Defining Factor ..... Or Are You Letting Someone or Something Else Define Who You Are?

Are you letting someone or something define who you are ..... or are you being defined by God?   What is it that is distinctive about you that people see when they see you?   What sound do they hear when you speak?   What distinguishes you as a child of the "King"?

Is your relationship with God your defining factor?  Does it state the fact that you are a child of God    Does your words reflect who God is?   After you speak.....are people edified and built up   Edify means to be enlightened or improved.   What is the condition of those around you after spending a moment in your presence?

It's time we realize that we can either define or be defined.   When we have been defined by God .... it places within us the confidence that is needed in order for others to see who we are in God.    Get out of the place where you are allowing what has happened to dictate what God is doing.    Today is a new day and the Bible says that God's mercy is renewed EVERY DAY.   

The definition of define is to describe exactly the nature, scope and meaning of something.   Let your direction be clear.   When people look at you .... let them see that you are a child of God ..... that your scope goes far beyond this natural realm .... and that why you exist is only because of what God did when He sacrificed His Son.

Worship For Today .....
"Who Am I"
Ministered By Casting Crowns

Thursday, February 09, 2012

God Is Speaking .... The Question Is .... Are We Listening ....

John 4:25
......Jesus said unto her, I that speak to you am He....

God tells us all the time that He is speaking to us.   The question is .... are we listening.   Are we dismissing the voice of God.   

A lot of times we just don't want to listen.  We don't want to hear.   We don't want to do.   We just want to do it our own way.   That is not why God is telling us who He is.   He is revealing Himself so that when we hear His voice.....we will obey.   

He is under girding our faith with revelation knowledge.    Knowledge revealed concerning who He is and what He has called us to do for Him.   He is revealing Himself so that we will know that He is with us.   We have to begin to listen to the voice of God.   To listen to what He is saying and to obey what He is saying.   

Make your confession .... where you go I will go ..... what you say I will say .... what you do I will do ......  Tell Him today ..... Lord I will follow you.  

Worship For Today .....
"I Will Follow"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

It's Time To Evaluate Who and What You Are Living Life For .... Always Make God Your First Priority ....

Everywhere you look, you see God.   There is "no where" that you can turn that God is not revealed.   He is the air you breathe and without Him, we couldn't exist.   Exist means to have life or to be real.   In other words, without God you would fail to have life or to be a reality.  

For some reason, we tend to think that we can exist without Him.   He is the breadth of life.    Not to mention, He is the reason we exist.   In essence He is our purpose for our living.  

So what are you living for?   Or should I say who are you living for?  If God is not first and foremost in your life ....then you have placed someone or something in the position that only He should hold.    Whatever it is .... it does not cause you to breathe.   It does not cause you to have life.    There is an order of priority and that order should always be ....  God First.     

It is time to evaluate.   Evaluate who and what you are living life for.   You have a Father that loves you.   That pours out His grace and His mercy upon you every day.    Will you live for Him?   Are you willing to prioritize and allow Him to be your first priority.   Before wife, kids, family or friends.   He should be first.   He is the one who will cover and keep the wife, kids, family, and friends.    We have to learn how to praise Him in advance for that.   For not letting any hurt, harm, or danger come near you as you start out your day.    For watching overr everything that concerns you.....

God is so good and so faithful.   He loves you and all He wants is for you to love Him back.

Worship For Today ....
"I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Hillsong


Monday, February 06, 2012

It's Time To Progress Through The Inner Court Into The Presence Of The Most Holy God ....

2nd Post Today ..... Written By Tara A. Moore

Psalm 100 is referred to in the NIV as "A psalm for giving grateful praise."  It begins by stating "Shout to the Lord, all the earth." Make a LOUD cry unto the Lord! Make your praise LOUD! Then it says "Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs."   The Message Bible says it this way:  1-2 On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into His presence. The NIV says "Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us, and we are His[a]; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.  The Message Bible says " Know this: God is God, and God, God. He made us; we didn't make Him.  We're His people, His well-tended sheep."  And, there is nothing left to be said about it. No questions to ask. HE IS GOD! PERIOD! It is HE who makes sure that we are well taken care of AT ALL TIMES! No matter the situation, circumstance, trial, or test!  Think about it!  Doesn't that just make you begin to feel an excitement bubbling up inside of you! Just thinking about it, does it not make you want to shout aloud, "GOD, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! YOU ARE WONDERFUL, AMAZING, OUTSTANDING!"  Does it not make you want to sing when you begin to think about how magnificent HE is.  Look at yourself...  Look at your spouse, brother, sister, mother, father, children...  All different.  All unique.  All beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of the GOD WHO IS! Are you singing His praises yet?   If not....

It goes on to say "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name."  This is the part! Enter into His gates with thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving.  The Message Bible calls "thanksgiving" the password. How do you get in: Shout ALOUD with THANKSGIVING and gifts of songs of GLADNESS!   Aaaaaahhhh.... once you do that, it is time to go into the inner court!   How?  PRAISE! The King is in the most Inner Court!  His presence and all of His splendor are in the Inner Court!  Isn't that where we want to be... the Inner Court...  Begin to praise and worship God with songs and talkings of how wonderful He is to you.  Not of just what He can do for you.  Yes, in some instance, the who He is and what He does go hand in hand.   But, when you begin to say to Him, God!  You are so awesome!  You are so wonderful.  The risen King.  The Great I Am!  The bright and morning star.  Name above all names!  Most Holy God.  All wise God.  True and living God!  Jehovah  Rophe, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Jireh... God our healer, God our victory, God my peace, God my provider! God!  Creator of Heaven and earth!  God!  All seeing, all knowing, all powerful!  Faithful, loving... and so on!  And, you begin to say this out loud; not only do you get caught up in Him and who He is but He gets caught up in that admiration and praise.  He gives ear to it and says come on in to my presence!  That sound... I love that sound.  Holy Spirit then begins to aid in unctioning us by pouring more into our Spirits. The more He pours in, the more we pour out!  Until, we are speaking and singing in the most beautiful Heavenly language; and, God our Father is speaking back!  It is time to enter into the Inner Court!  It is time for us to begin progressing through the Inner Court into the Presence of the Most Holy God.  Lay at His feet and worship.  That is the place where true peace and joy and contentment is.

It's Time To Stop Repeating The Course and To Rise Up Above The Attacks Of The Enemy .....

What is it that God is doing in your life?   How is it that He is building you?    Is He building your character or strengthening your peace?   Is He teaching you how to trust Him?    It's time to learn the purpose behind the lesson.   If you never learn the purpose behind the lesson .... in most cases you have to go back and repeat the process in order to learn the concept.  

Sometimes we go through things in life and don't ever learn the purpose.   The purpose is why something occurs.   Why it happens.    Sometimes we don't understand why things are happening to us.   What we have to begin to understand is that God is trying to tell us something.   He is trying to show us something.   He is trying to get us to a place of total dependence in Him.   

Stop repeating the course.    So often we get halfway through the process and we turn around and make the same mistake.    We allow our flesh to override our knowledge.    Understand today that you can control the flesh.   It is subject to you.    It is incapable of doing anything on its own.    So we have to learn how to control it.   How to not let our emotions dictate our actions.     

It's time out for repeating.   It's time now to go to the next level in God.    God is trying bring you up higher.   When you go to the next level .... you will be above the attacks.   You will be able to look and see the attack coming .... but they won't be able to touch or affect you.   

Worship For Today .....
"Eagles Wings"
Ministered By Hillsong

Sunday, February 05, 2012

God's Grace Is Sufficient ..... Now It's Time For You To Take A Stand and To Check Your Stance ....

God's grace is sufficient.    Sufficient means "as much as needed".    You have to know that the Grace of God is more than enough to help you through whatever you are going through.    There are many definitions for grace .... but one definition says that grace is God's unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification.   So think about it ..... God has given you unmerited divine assistance to help you through the process of sanctification.    All that you need .... He has already provided.  

The question for you today is .... are you walking in the grace of God or trying to live life in your own power and your own ability.   When you try to walk out life in your own power and your own ability .... you get weak.   You get discouraged.   You are ready to quit and give in.    Your hope cannot be based in self.   Self motive and self preservation.   Your hope must be rooted and grounded in God and His word concerning your life.     Trust Him today ..... Believe Him today ..... Live your life for Him today .....

No matter what you are going through.   No matter who tells you differently ..... rest today in the "fact" that God will take care of you.   Rest in the fact that He has promised you divine assistance in the process of regeneration and sanctification.     You have a promise and you need to rest in it.  

Allow your hope and your peace to be rooted and grounded in God.   Allow your trust and your belief to be rooted and grounded in God.   Allow His word to be your guide.    He wants your mind, your will, and your emotions to be set on Him.    Take a stand and allow your stance to be based on Him and who He is.    Your stance is the way you stand.       Your attitude and view while you are standing.

Worship For Today ....
"I Will Worship You"
Ministered By Matthew Ward

Saturday, February 04, 2012

What Is The Expression Of Your Faith? What You Allow In .... Will Come Out..... Start Living From The Inside Out .....

What is the "expression of your faith"?   Do you express it through music?   Do you express it through prayer?  An expression is how you convey what you believe in.   Or should I say the outward manifestation of what you believe.   What is the expression of what you believe in?

Everything that you do reflects nature....whether it be the nature of God or a sin nature.   Look into a mirror and determine your reflection.  If necessary....change.   Ask God to change your heart.....  Ask Him to help you change .... be broken before Him.    He takes you as you are.   He loves you.    But He wants your outward manifestation to reflect Him.   To reveal who He is to those around you.    

Understand that what goes in .... is what will come out.    The music that you allow to have entrance into your ear gates ..... is a carrier words.    Understand that words change things.   So whether the words are good or bad .... it's bringing about a change.    The shows that you allow to go through the gates of your eyes ..... they are carriers of not only words .... but visions.     They portray images that invoke imaginations .... or should I say those things that you think on.    So what are you allowing to enter in and to become a part of who you are.    You control these things.....   You control what you hear and what you see.    Stop allowing the things on the outside to change you inside.    You need to start living from the inside out.   Allow the Holy Spirit that is on the inside of you to change what is happening in the atmosphere that surrounds you.   
Worship For Today ....
"Renew Me"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...