Monday, February 06, 2012

It's Time To Stop Repeating The Course and To Rise Up Above The Attacks Of The Enemy .....

What is it that God is doing in your life?   How is it that He is building you?    Is He building your character or strengthening your peace?   Is He teaching you how to trust Him?    It's time to learn the purpose behind the lesson.   If you never learn the purpose behind the lesson .... in most cases you have to go back and repeat the process in order to learn the concept.  

Sometimes we go through things in life and don't ever learn the purpose.   The purpose is why something occurs.   Why it happens.    Sometimes we don't understand why things are happening to us.   What we have to begin to understand is that God is trying to tell us something.   He is trying to show us something.   He is trying to get us to a place of total dependence in Him.   

Stop repeating the course.    So often we get halfway through the process and we turn around and make the same mistake.    We allow our flesh to override our knowledge.    Understand today that you can control the flesh.   It is subject to you.    It is incapable of doing anything on its own.    So we have to learn how to control it.   How to not let our emotions dictate our actions.     

It's time out for repeating.   It's time now to go to the next level in God.    God is trying bring you up higher.   When you go to the next level .... you will be above the attacks.   You will be able to look and see the attack coming .... but they won't be able to touch or affect you.   

Worship For Today .....
"Eagles Wings"
Ministered By Hillsong

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