Wednesday, February 08, 2012

It's Time To Evaluate Who and What You Are Living Life For .... Always Make God Your First Priority ....

Everywhere you look, you see God.   There is "no where" that you can turn that God is not revealed.   He is the air you breathe and without Him, we couldn't exist.   Exist means to have life or to be real.   In other words, without God you would fail to have life or to be a reality.  

For some reason, we tend to think that we can exist without Him.   He is the breadth of life.    Not to mention, He is the reason we exist.   In essence He is our purpose for our living.  

So what are you living for?   Or should I say who are you living for?  If God is not first and foremost in your life ....then you have placed someone or something in the position that only He should hold.    Whatever it is .... it does not cause you to breathe.   It does not cause you to have life.    There is an order of priority and that order should always be ....  God First.     

It is time to evaluate.   Evaluate who and what you are living life for.   You have a Father that loves you.   That pours out His grace and His mercy upon you every day.    Will you live for Him?   Are you willing to prioritize and allow Him to be your first priority.   Before wife, kids, family or friends.   He should be first.   He is the one who will cover and keep the wife, kids, family, and friends.    We have to learn how to praise Him in advance for that.   For not letting any hurt, harm, or danger come near you as you start out your day.    For watching overr everything that concerns you.....

God is so good and so faithful.   He loves you and all He wants is for you to love Him back.

Worship For Today ....
"I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Hillsong


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