Monday, February 20, 2012

God Has Given Us An Outline.....It Is Time To Read and Live By His Instructions For Our Lives .....

What is it that you think God wants you to do today?    Are you willing and ready to do it?    Are you ready to surrender all?   Ready to give it all over to God?    He wants all of you.   Every care .... every worry .... every hurt ..... and every pain.    What we try to do is carry it all.   We try to figure it all out on our own.   But that is not how God designed us.    He designed us and also gave us an instruction booklet on how we are to operate.    The Bible is our book of instructions.     In the word it says to cast all of our cares on Him.    In the word it says to pray without ceasing.   In the word it tells us how to walk .... how to talk .... how to trust .... and how to believe.   

It's all there.   In God's word.    Yet we have a hard time.   We sit back and try to figure out what we have already been told how to do.    How funny is that.    Have you ever brought something new and instead of reading the instructions on how to put it together or how to make it work.....we try to do it on our own.   We try to assemble it and work it without even opening up the instructions.    That is how we do life.   We try to put our lives together on our own.    We try to operate in life on our own.   Without ever reading God's word.   

It's time to read and live by what God has outlined for our lives.    We were not meant to live by trial and error.    We were created in His image and after His likeness and we are supposed to live like His children.    God did not place you here without a plan.    His plan for your life is that you prosper and be in health.   His plan for your life is that you be successful in everything you put your hands to.   His plan for your life is that you live it to reflect who He is.  Why are your struggling with what to do when He has already told you what to do.   It's time to do it God's way.    His way is the only way that will work.   

Take A Moment To Pray With Us Today .... PRAYER FOR TODAY - February 20, 2012 (Asking God To Meet Needs Today .... Not Only For Our Home But Throughout The World) ..... posted on 

Worship For Today ....
"I Know The Plans I Have For You"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi


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