Thursday, February 02, 2012

Be Established Today .... Let Everything You Say and Everything You Do Resonate The Fact That God Is God Alone.....

A place of trust.    A place of healing.   A place of direction.    A place of power.   There is one place where all things come together and that place is in God.   He is the fountain of life.   Everything that we need flows through Him and from Him.    If there are things you feel you need .... get in Him.   Find your secret place in Him.    Find your place of rest in Him and in His word.    Allow God to flow through you.   Allow His power and His grace to manifest in your life.   Understanding it is not your will .... it's not your way.   It's not about you.   It's all about God and fulfilling His plan and His purpose in your life.    It's about trusting Him.  

If He says that He knows the things that you have need of .... let it be a fact to you.    Let your life be one that believes that He does.   Understanding that His word is on the line.   What He has said about who He is.    We need to stop looking at what everyone else is saying.   We need to begin to look and listen to what God is saying.   He is God alone.    He doesn't need the affirmation of man.    His word and who He is .... is already established.   From the foundation of the world .... He is established.   So today ..... you need to be established in who He is.   You need to rest in who He is.   You need to believe who He is.    There is no in-between with God ....  either He is or He isn't.......  Just in case there is doubt in your mind ..... let's confirm the fact now ..... that YES......He is God.     Let your life and your light confirm the fact that God is God alone.......

Worship For Today ....
"You Are God Alone"
Ministered By Philips, Dean, and Craig

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