Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Will You Be Extreme For God Today?

What is the "extreme" thing that you are doing for God today?    Extreme means reaching a high or highest degree.   It means excessive.   When something is excessive, it is more than what is necessary.    What is it that you are doing for God today that goes beyond your norm?    To some people the norm is just saying thank you.   To some people the norm is saying the Father's Prayer.    No one knows your norm but you and God.     The things you normally do.    Are you willing to step out on faith and push beyond your norm today.    To go into the realm of the unknown.   To pray like you never have before.   To worship like you never have before.     Maybe you have never shared your faith.    Are you willing to do that today?    What is it that you can do today that you haven't done before.   

It's time to step into extreme faith.    There are people that need to see the God in you.    You are their designated light.   The problem is .... if you never turn on your light within ..... how can they see?   How can they know the things that are surrounding them.    If you stay with them in a dark room and have the ability to within you to shine forth light ......    What happens when they stumble and fall.   When they get hurt.    Have you ever considered the fact that you could have provided the light that was needed in order to reveal the obstacles that were in the way.   

No not everyone will want to see your light and there will be some that will try to cover it up because they just prefer to stay in dimness and darkness.   However, it is still up to us to shine forth light where it is needed and pray that those around us will recognize the obstructions in the way.  Understanding that an obstruction is anything that impedes or prevents passage or progress.     Amen...

Worship For Today .....
"Made Me Glad"
Ministered By Hillsong

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