Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Would It Take For You To Give God Your All? We Have To Get To A Point Of Being Harnessed By The Word Of God ....

What would it take for you to give God your all?    You say you love Him.... yet you hold on to "you".    You say you trust Him .... yet you hold on to "you".    You say you believe Him....yet you hold on to "you".    What is that about?   The holding on to you?   Is it about control?    Do you really want to try to control your own life?   It is so much bigger than you?    There is so much you cannot see.   Yet God can see all things because all things exist in Him.    Why is it that you feel the need to control "you"?   What is it going to take for you to give it all to Him?    

The thing about control is .... when we try to control our lives .... it become unrestrained.   We have to understand today that it is God and His word that are our restraint.     A restraint is a measure or condition that keeps us within limits.    It is a harness.    What happens if you don't harness your emotions?   What happens if you don't harness your actions?   What happens if you don't harness your fears?    Uncontrolled emotions, uncontrolled actions, and uncontrolled fears lead to undesirable results.    We have to be harnessed by God's word in order to stay in the limits of God's will.   

You say you want God to use you today.    In order to be used by God ..... you have to be willing to be harnessed by God.     To be geared up in Him and His word.    Allow you life to be God's light.    The one requirement is letting go of what you have been holding on to .... and the thing that you have been holding on to is self.

Worship For Today .....
"Lord I Praise You"
Ministered By Clint Brown

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