Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Is Your Worship Real .... Or Are You Just Pretending? Worship May Start In Your Soul (Your Mind, Your Will, and Your Emotions) But It Has To Touch Your Heart....

Is your worship real today?   Where is it coming from?   Is it coming from your soul or is it coming from a heart experience?    Worship may start in your soul .... your mind, your  will, and your emotions..... but it has to touch your heart.    When something touches your heart .... it becomes a part of who you are.    We have to get to a place where our worship is real.   Where it is not an act of our emotions.   Where something within us has been touched and moved to the point of manifestation.    

When you act ....your pretend.   You put on a role.    It's not real.   It's something you do whenever called upon.    But when something is will touch you right where you are.   It will overwhelm you and consume you.    It will bring about a change in you.   It causes a change in your mind, in your will, and in your emotions.     Worship changes you.   

God wants us changed today.   He wants us changed by who He is.    He wants us altered by His presence.   When you alter something .... you change the composition and character of it.   It may be in a small way .... but that way is significant.    In a way that is important and worthy of attention.   

So again I ask .... is your worship real.   Is it bringing about a change in you.   A change that is noticed by those around you .... one that is worthy of God's attention.    It's all about Him.     So today .... let's make it all about Him and nothing else. 
Worship For Today ....
"A Heart Of Worship"
Ministered By Matt Redman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really wonderful & worthy of giving glory to our Living GOD in Christ Jesus our Lord & Saviour. There is no greater things in this world than to worship GOD genuinely.The real experience of the beauty of life is when our life is consumed by amazing & incomparable Presence of GOD. May the Gospel Jesus Christ continues to shines to every people of every tongue,tribe & nation of the world.

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