Thursday, May 19, 2011

What Life Are You Living? Are You Living "In" God?

"Paul said that the life he lived, he lived by faith in the Son of God....the one who loved Him and gave Himself for Him......that he walked by faith and not by sight."

What life are you living?   Are you living a life of faith in the one that loved you and gave himself for you.   The same Jesus died for you and for Paul.   Therefore, the same requirement stands.   The requirement of walking by faith and not by sight.  

When you say that you are "in" something.   You are saying that you are enclosed or surrounded by something else.    Paul said that he lived "by" faith "in" the Son of God.   This tells us how Paul lived and where Paul lived.    How are you living?   Are you living by faith.....where you trust and believe what God has said?  Are you living in God......where you are enclosed and surrounded by His will, his plan, and His purpose?  

Two essential words.   "By" and "In".    Always check yourself to see whether you are living "by" faith "in God" or "in your own choices".    See whether your life is enclosed and surrounded by God's plan and His purpose or your plan and your purpose.  

God designed this life with you in mind.   He designed so that you would have an avenue to help you in times of trouble.   To heal you when you are sick.   To give you a place of comfort when you are lonely.   He designed it so that He could be everything that you will ever need.   

The questions is.....will you let Him?

Worship For Today....
"Lord I Lift My Hands To You"
Ministered by Lexi and K&K Mime

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