Saturday, January 14, 2012

Move Past Just Knowing That God "Can" Move In Your Life .... To A Place That Says God "Will" Move In Your Life.....

What is it that you wanting to do today?   What was on your mind when you first woke up?   Did you have a heart and a desire to worship Him?   To seek His face?   To seek His heart and direction for your day?   Or were you weighted?   Weighted down with the other "stuff" that comes with life.    The bills, the children, the situations and circumstances that surrounded your yesterday and that are trying to consume your today?    We have to learn how to press into God today..... for our today..... How to lay down yesterday and get in His presence today.   What we must understand that everything that we are going through is subject to change in God.   When something is under subjection...that means there is a means the outcome is subject to change.

Know today that your situation is subject to change based on what you do.   Based on what you say.   Based on what you believe.    Do you believe that God "will" change what you are going through.   Not just  that he can.   We know that He can.   Do you believe that He "will" bring about the change that you need in your life.    

It's time we shift our way of thinking.   We have stopped at believing that God can do what we need.   We have to move into a position of knowing that God will.    We have to adopt an undeniable faith when our lives and our desires line up with His word and His will.   The faith that says that we can't be denied.   That says that God is who He said He is and that says He will do what He said He would do.  A faith that says that our trust and our belief are completely rooted in God and who He is.   
Worship For Today ....
"Speak A Word"
Ministered By Joel Brown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU LORD for giving me the Assurance that YOU "WILL" act on my behalf when I call out to YOU!!!

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