Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What Is The New Thing You Desire? He Gives Us New Mercy Every Day ....

What is new to you?   When something has not been used yet....it is new.   What is the new thing that you desire?   Is it new clothes, new shoes, a new car, or a new home?   What we have to understand is that there is a newness that God gives us every day.   His mercy.   He said that His mercies are renewed every day.   So every day of your life you walk in newness.   The new .... never used before .... mercy of God.    What more can we ask for than to walk in God's love and His compassion every day?   Not just on occasion.   But every day His mercy is brand new for us.

God's mercy is God's compassion.   His kindness and His forgiveness.    He doesn't want us stuck in yesterday.   Stuck on what happened yesterday or what we may have done wrong yesterday.   So He continuously forgives us.   What we have to ask ourselves is are we abusing God's mercy and God's grace?   Are we doing things just because we know God will forgive us?   Are we walking around saying .... "God understands".    Yes....God is merciful and God is gracious.   But God is looking for repentitive hearts.   When you repent .... you stop what you are doing and turn away from it.   You don't continue in it.   

It's time that we be repentitive in more than just words.   Where we actually "try" to live our lives  in a way that is pleasing to the Father.    Where we mean what we say and do what God asks.    Yes.....we are thankful for His mercy because we are not perfect nor are we able to walk perfectly.   But we need to try to be "pleasing".   Another word for pleasing is satisfying.   We need to try to live a life that is satisfying to the Father rather than to ourselves. 

Join Us As We Pray Today .... PRAYER FOR TODAY - January 10, 2012 (Asking Forgivenss For Where We Have Allowed Flesh To Override Wisdom and Praying For Jobs, Promotions, and Increase) posted on www.DailyMomentsWithGodPrayer.blogspot.com   
Worship For Today .... 
"Lord I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Hillsong

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU Father for Your Grace and Mercy. Thank
YOU that they are available to me everyday. Let
me live my life as a testament that I am grateful for Your Grace and Mercy!!!

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