Thursday, January 19, 2012

Understand The Love.....Realize The Life! Then Ask Yourself .... Do You Love God Enough? Enough To Stop Anything That Goes Against His Will In Order To Do What You Are Called To Do.....

When you understand means you grasp the meaning of it.    It means that you are able to explain to yourself the meaning and the nature of a thing.    When you realize the reality of a thing....then you apprehend it and it becomes real in your life.  

You can never truly love God if you don't understand His love for you.   You can never really serve God if you don't realize the sacrifice He made for you.    Your life and the progression of your life is based on understanding who God is and realizing what He has done.      

You have to step outside of yourself and begin to realize what God has already done for you.   The price that was paid for you.   The power that has been endowed to you.    You have to begin to take it beyond you.   Beyond your wants and your desires and see what God wants.   What is His desire for your life?   He paid for it.   He sacrificed for it?    We have to step out of the "it's all about me mindset"  and step into the "what can I do for you God mindset".   

Love is unexplainable.   When you are in love .... you do things that go beyond human understanding and things that surpass the norm.   Stop walking in the norm.   Stop living your life based on what you would do and begin to live your life based on what God has done for you.    Based on the love that He has displayed for you.   Love Him back.   He sacrificed life for us ... it's time we sacrifice "self" for Him.   

It's time we truly realize what God has done and the price that was paid.   It's time we yield and determine which way we are going on this road called life.   It's time we stop backing up in the middle of the highway just because we get distracted..... when we are going full speed ahead with God.      How dangerous it is to stop in the middle of the highway for an obstacle we see in the middle of the road.   It's time we understand that doing that could eventually prove to be fatal.   We need to learn how to go around the obstacle and move forward with God.   

Take some time and truly begin to understand that sacrifice that was made for you.   The love .... and the blood that was shed for you.    Understand that God's love is real ..... now ask yourself .... do you really love God or should I say .... do you love God enough?   Enough to stop what you are doing that is going against His will and to do what He has called you to do......
Take A Moment To Pray With Us Today .... PRAYER FOR TODAY - January 19, 2012 (Prayer for Jobs, Healing, Provision, and Peace) ..... posted on

Worship For Today.....
"I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Hillsong


Anonymous said...

As I have said before, who wouldn't want to serve a GOD like that? HE is so AWESOME that I can't even begin to wrap my brain around that!!!

Gracy said...

Does god understand those oops moments or i don't know what I was thinking moments of they exist or what about those it was a accident moments if they exist does god understand those

R. Lynn Moore said...

Praise God Gracy. He does understand the oops moments. What is an oops to us .... He already knew about. There are no surprises to God. Not only does He understand it .... He has forgiven us. God does not condemn condems us. God forgives us. He wants us to get it right ..... but He knows our mistakes before we even make them.

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...