Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's In Your Tomorrow? Do What God Is Telling You To Do Today ....

What is in your tomorrow that God hasn't already given you today?  People are waiting.   They are standing still because they think that tomorrow would be a better time to do what God has told them to do today.   God never  told us to be complacent.   Complacency causes you to feel secure even though there is potential danger.    It's not true security.  True security can only be found in God.   In doing what God has told you to do .... when He tells you to do it.    It's all about being in God's will and doing what He has told you to do.   

The problem about waiting until tomorrow .... is that tomorrow is not promised.    There is no promise that we will have the opportunity to tell our neighbors about the love of Jesus.   There is no promise that we will have the opportunity to pray for the co-worker, family member or friend again .... that God is telling us to pray for today.    We have to learn to live in today.   For the Bible says in Matthew 6:34 that tomorrow will take care of itself.    Stop trying to live in your tomorrow when you haven't fulfilled what God has told you to do today.  

Take a moment and commit to just trusting God.   Not just trusting your thoughts and your opinions .... but trusting the word that God has already spoken.   Do what you need to do today ..... say what you need to say today ..... pray for who you need to pray for today ..... because truly ..... tomorrow is not promised. 

Worship For Today .....
"To Worship You I Live"
Ministered By Israel & New Breed


Anonymous said...

Lynn, this is a timely message for me. Thank you for being obedient to GOD. Father GOD, thank YOU for being who YOU are and never changing!!!

R. Lynn Moore said...

Amen.....God is so GOOD!!!!

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...