Friday, January 13, 2012

Let Your Motivation Be To Love Someone Who Can't See The Love Of God ....

What is it about to you?   This walk....this talk....your life?    Have you gotten to the place where you have decided that it's all about God?   That it really has nothing to do with you.   Your wants or your desires.     Yes God will give you your wants and your desires .... but you have to understand that .... that is not what it is about.   It's all about loving the one that loves you.   It's about showing people who God is by sharing His love with them.    When we think it's all about us.....we fail to show forth God's love.    Because  the love that we are supposed to be sharing with others becomes rooted and grounded in self.   In selfish motives and selfish motivation.  

Let your motivation today be to love someone who can't see it.   Someone who is feeling lost.   Someone who is feeling forsaken.   Someone who is feeling alone.    Show them love today.    We have to push past peoples lifestyles and touch peoples hearts.   We get so bogged down with what people do and never get to the place of what we can do for people.    Have you ever thought about why God looks at the heart?   You have to understand today that what is going on in a persons life....their actions and their reactions.....are an outward expression of what is in their heart.   Stop looking at the outward expression and understand that there is a root cause for what a person thinks and how a person acts.    Something has been planted in their heart that has taken root.   Just as the word that was planted in your heart has taken root and is now bearing the fruit of God's love.    

Trust God today.   Believe God today.  Know that God loves you today.   Now take that same trust, belief, and love and pour it out on someone else today.    Push pass the outward manifestation and touch someones heart for God today.   

Worship For Today....
"Give Me Your Eyes"
Ministered By Brandon Heath

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lynn, this is such an awesome message. We should
bear this in our hearts every day. It's a good thing that God looks at our heart and knows our motives. Like you said, we are going to have to get over thinking it's all about us and our needs. There are too many hurting people out there who need to have a touch from GOD for us to think and act like we are "all that." Just because you are or think you are on top of the world today don't mean that you will be there tomorrow or next year. You can't judge a book by looking at its cover. Years ago we use to think that only "bums" were homeless. Today it is completely different. People from all walks of life are losing their jobs, homes and all of their possessions. We need to stop looking at the outside appearances of people and look at the heart and be compassioned as GOD is to us.
People need to know that no matter what they are going through there is a "KING" inside of us and He Loves us so much. He never will stop loving us no matter what we have done or will do. We only have to Trust and Believe in Him. He will never Forsake or Leave us. Praise His HOLY NAME!!!

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