Friday, August 26, 2011

Keeping It Real.....

Real.....What does real mean to you?   

Real means....existing.....not imagined.   Real means that it is verifiable and not alleged.    How many times in life do we suppose things to be true.    How often do we speculate and move based on speculation rather than truth?   How often do we act like we believe something and not really have faith in what we say we believe?

It's time to move past that point.   It's time to move past speculation and imagination to validity and truth.    When something is is sealed.   That's what God's word is.   It has been validated by the blood of Jesus.   Sealed with the blood.   And nothing on earth can remove the seal that God has placed on your life.    God's word has been validated in you, for you, to work through you.  

Do you trust Him?   Do you trust the reality of what He has said?   Do you see and  understand the seal that has been placed on your life.  The verifiable evidence of the blood of Jesus.   Do you believe it?   Do you truly believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and that you are forgiven?   Or is it just something you say to motivate yourself and those around you.   

What good is motivation if it is not followed up with something.    Followed up with the works and the word of God.   Followed up with a passion to serve Him and to live fully for Him.   

You have to keep this life "real".    Don't let your salvation be a figment of your imagination.   Don't let it just be something you say.    Let it be a life that is verifiable and true.   A life that walks in the truth of who God is and what He has done.   

Keeping it "real" will lead you into the "reality" of who God is.....

Worship For Today.....
"Let Me Touch You And See That You Are Real"
Ministered By Kirk Franklin & Family


Anonymous said...

Keeping It Real...That's how I survive and I couldn't make it any other way. Thank GOD for the seal that HE has placed on my life and NOTHING can remove it!!!

R. Lynn Moore said...

Amen....sealed with the blood of Jesus!

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