Saturday, November 05, 2011

Are You Making God Part Of Your "Moment"......Not Just Your Day....

What does it mean to know God?   To know means that you have knowledge and information concerning something.   It means that you perceive something as fact or truth.    Do you really know God?   Is He the main truth in your life.   The one thing that is undeniable, unshakable, and unmovable.     Is He really God to you?   The one who creates in your life......the one who rules in your life......the source of your moral authority.  

Do you understand what morality is?  It is the distinction between what is right and what is wrong.   Who or what is the measuring stick you use in your life to determine what is right or what is wrong? Are you waiting on your friends or your family to tell you or are you gaining knowledge of God's word and His way and allowing it to measure your life.   To measure your thoughts.   To measure your sacrifice.   

God wants to use you....but are you willing to be used?   Are you willing to lay down your self (sacrifice) in order to be used by God?   Are you willing to learn about who He is in order to help someone else realize the reality of who He is?   

It's time to prioritize.   It's time to sacrifice.    It's time to make God a part of your "moment".   Every hour and every minute can be broken down to moments.   Moments are "exact points in time".    A moment can be pinpointed.   If I were to ask you what were you doing at 7:05 last night.....can you say that you were doing what God would have you to do, that you were saying what God would have you to say, that you were watching what God would have you to watch, or that you were thinking what God would have you to think.   We have to understand that there are no points in which God leaves us.    He is with us every moment.   We tend to think that we have intermissions in God where we can do what we want or say what we want to say.   But we need to understand that God is still with us....seeing and hearing who and what we are representing in our walk and in our talk.   

Get intimate with God today.   When you get intimate with know and understand their likes and their dislikes.   You begin to live your life in an effort to please them.   Make your effort about God today.   Seek to please Him and Him alone.    Allow your knowledge of who He is to lead you.   Guard your heart.   Manage the gates of your soul.   Your soul is your mind, your will, and your emotions.   Manage the gates of your eyes and your ears.   What you see and what you hear will affect how you think and how you feel.   

Allow God to be God today.   Make Him God of your "moment'.....not just God of your day.  

Worship For Today....
"Ignite My Fire"
Ministered By Pastor William Murphy III

"I Will Seek You"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a saying that I have heard often, "Who wouldn't serve a GOD like that?" A GOD that loves you unconditional and will meet all of your needs...A GOD that will NEVER leave nor forsake you...WOW...WOW...WOW!!!

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