Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Do You Trust God Enough To Lay Down Your Load and Pick Up His Love?

Knowing that God is.   Knowing that He is your source.   Knowing that He is your life.   Knowing that He is the way.   How do you get to the place of knowing?   How do you get to the place of trusting?   How do you get to the place of letting go and letting God be God?

We are so used to hanging on.   Of  holding on.   Of trying to figure it out.   When all that God wants is for us to let go.  To let Him be God.  To let Him be our source and our supply.   To let Him lead us in what we say, think, and do.   God wants us to know Him.  To know of Him.   To trust Him.   

The Bible says to cast our cares on Him for He cares for us.    Why do we continuously hold on to what He is telling us to let go of?   What is our connection with our problems?   Why are we taking the things that hinder us in our walk, in our talk, in our faith and restrict ourselves with them?   Instead of letting go of our problems....we tie them around our hands, our feet, and our mouth.  

We limit what we put our hands to for God based on what is going on in our lives.   We limit where we go for God and what we say because we are so bound by our own situations.   Instead of taking the situations and casting them down....we hold on to them.   We carry them.   They become a part of what we think, do, and say.   They limit and restrict us.   They inhibit us.   When something inhibits you.....it prevents or prohibits you from doing something.  

We have to learn the art of release.   When something is an art it is produced.   It is an expression or application.   We have to learn how to apply the blood of Christ to our situations and to truly give them over to God.    As long as your hands,  your heart, and your mind are full of what you are going through....you are not able to carry what God is trying to give you.   His healing, His love, His peace, and His joy.    God wants you to lay down what you are carrying and to pick up what He is giving.   

Try God today.   Trust God today.   Trust Him enough to lay down your load and to pick up His love.

Worship For Today....
"At Your Feet"
Ministered By Casting Crowns

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN-What a wonderful reminder!!!

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