Sunday, November 13, 2011

Farming For God....The Question Is....What Are You Breeding? God Has Entrusted You With The Ground Of Peoples Hearts.....

What is it that you want to hear?   What is it that you are seeking confirmation on?   Are you even listening?   God is speaking.....but are you listening?   

God wants you to hear Him.   He wants you to understand His plan, His purpose, His will for YOU.   So often we tend to judge other peoples situations or other peoples circumstances......but what is it that God is saying to you?   What is it He is telling you to do?   What is it that He  is leading and directing and ministering to your heart?   

God wants you.  He wants to use you for His glory.   To be glorified by God.    What does that mean to you?   When God glorifies you.....He takes you from the ordinary and reveals how you look in Him.   To be glorified by God.   To be filled with God.   To show forth His glory is to show forth His love, His peace, and His direction.   To shine a light for others to see.    Glory is full of light.    It is a beam that leads....that guides...that gives direction to those around you.   

You have to begin to trust God.  To trust the God in you.   To trust His love.   To trust His plan for YOUR life.   You believe for others.   You pray for others.   But you have to begin to believe for yourself.   To trust Him for yourself.   To know for yourself that He is God.   That He loves you.   That His will is that you be whole and complete in Him.   To have Shalom Shalom......nothing missing, nothing lacking, and nothing broken.

Will you trust Him today?   Will you hear Him today?   Will you listen to obey?   Obedience is the key to operating in His will.   It is the key that tells God that you truly trust Him.    When you do what He tells you to do.   When you pray when He tells you to pray.   When you sow when He tells you to sow.....whether it be monetary or words of hope into someone else's life.    Sow the seed of the word.   

We are all farmers.   A farm is a place that is used for breeding.   To breed can be defined as rearing and training someone or something to behave a certain way or to have certain qualities.    The question is .... what qualities are you breeding in the behaviors of those under your circle of influence.    The easiest way for someone to learn is by watching what someone else does.    The art of training.    What are others seeing when they see you?   When you are sick.....what do they see?   When you have a need.....what do they see?   Not only what do they see....but what do they hear?   What information are you pouring into them through the words that you speak?  

God has entrusted you with the ground of peoples hearts to till and to sow.   The question is what type of seeds are you sowing in the hearts and minds of God's people?  

Worship For Today....
"Take My Life"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely Food for Thought-Very relevant!!!

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