Sunday, November 20, 2011

Loving God For Who He Is....Allowing His Word To Validate Your Words Of Love For Him.....

Why is it that you say you love God?  Is it for what He can give you?   Or is it for who He is?    Have you considered God?   The work of His hands?  The blood that was shed?   The life that was lived by and through Jesus?   Have you considered His love?   His passion?   His pain?   What is it that you really know about the one you say you love?


We have to get in relationship with God?   A relationship is a connection or similarity between two or more people or things.    What is the connection between you and God?    What is it that makes you love Him?   Why do you say you love Him?   Do you even know?   If you can't answer that question....then maybe what you say is just words.   What is the context in which you say what you say?   Context means the circumstances or events that form the environment in which something exists.   What forms the environment in which you say your love for God exists?   What is your backup in your relationship with God?

We have to know why we love Him.   We have to know the price that was paid.   We have to understand His passion and compassion for us.   Until we truly understand who God is, how God feels, and what God desires for and from can we truly love Him?   Relationship is based on understanding.   Understanding and knowing the person you are in relationship with.   Understanding their hurts, their disappointments, as well as, what makes them happy.   

It is based on oneness.     Oneness with God and who He is.   So again I ask......  How can you love what or whom you do not know?   Get to know God today.   Get inside of Him and understand the intricate parts of who He is and what He has done in and for you.   Understand His passion ...... so that you too can feel His compassion.  

Let your love for God be based on the knowledge of His love for you.  The truth is....until we are able to validate our words through His words......we annul what we say.   Validation says that what we are saying has been "tested" and is "true".   It declares something to be legally valid.

Only God can validate Himself.....and He has given us His validation of who He is through His word.   Get to know Him that the words that you confess concerning your love for Him will be validated through your knowledge of His word, His presence, and His power that is operative in your life.   

If you never get to know can never get to know His love for you.   If you never understand His love for can never reciprocate the love He has for you.   When you reciprocate God's respond to Him with the same love that He has for give it back to Him.    You have to understand that there are no limits on God's love for you......are you limiting your love for Him?

Worship For Today....
"Flow To You"
Ministered By Pastor William Murphy

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