Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Successful In Who? What Is The Aim Of Your Purpose?

So you say that you are successful.   The question is .... successful in who?   Is your success in God?   The thing that you have done....the achievement that you have made..... Is it rooted and grounded in who God is?   Has He stamped it with His seal of approval or are your accolades just from man?

We have to begin to ask ourselves are we truly being successful if God is not approving of what we are doing?   We have to ask ourselves in what ways is God being edified or reflected in the things that we do?   God's desire is that we experience success in Him.   However, a lot times it is our successes that take us further away from Him.  

You have to decide.   Whose way is it going to be?   Is it going to be according to "your" plan or God's?   When He gave you the promotion....did you thank Him?   Are you even sure if it was Him that gave you the promotion?   A good way to check is to see if it took you closer to Him or do you barely have time for Him now?   You have to understand that everything that we deem as success is not from God.

We have to move from the point of living our lives to please people.    To get mans approval for what we say and what we do.   To often we live our lives trying to bring joy to someone else.   But are you bringing joy to God?   Is He pleased when He looks at you or when He listens to you?   Is His ear attentive to your cry or is His heart burdened because of your words?  

You have to understand that God hears it all.   Even if its not audible....He hears what is in your heart.   The thoughts you have regarding the person next to you.....He knows.    We have to begin living knowing that everything that we think, say, or do....God knows.   Is He pleased?  

Success if defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.    When you aim for "purpose your intentions" on that thing as the target.   So what are your intentions and what is  your target?   What do you intend to accomplish by being successful?   Is your success about accomplishing a higher salary or getting more things?   Is it about being able to say what you have or what  you have done?   Or is about God and reflecting what God will do for someone who serves Him?

If your intentions are not about Him, you are not being successful.   If you are after the approval of man and neglect getting God's approval on your life and are not successful.   Success can only be seen in the end.   Will your end be one in which God will seal you with His approval and say....well done thy good and faithful servant.  

Remember success is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.   Purpose your heart and make your goal.....God.   True success can only be found in Him and anything less than God is failure.   You have to understand that "everything" in this earth realm is temporary.   What will your accomplishment be......will you be successful in receiving the ultimate promotion into the kingdom and presence of God.    You have to understand that the Bible says "many are called....but few are chosen".   What will differentiate you from the rest?   What will be the determining factor as to whether or not you get promoted to the kingdom?

Worship For Today.....
"Flow To You"
Ministered By Pastor William Murphy
(We need to ask God to let the rivers of our worship to flow to Him.....Pray that in all we do....that the rivers of our worship flow to Him. )
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Relevant-How I long to hear those words "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

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