Monday, November 07, 2011

What Have You Taken Into Custody That Has Now Captured You?

Letting go and letting God.    It sounds good.....but it's not easy.    How often do we say that we are giving it over and just end up picking it all back up again.   We say God's got it.   Yet we are still holding on to it.    What does it really mean to give something to God?   How do you "release" the things that have such a profound impact on the outcome of your life.  

We have to learn how to let go of things....not only physically.....but mentally.   How do you know when things have a hold on your mentally?    You have to look and see what is consuming your thoughts.    What is overwhelming your emotions.   What is causing you to act and react.    When you look at what you are thinking about, how it makes you feel, and how you are acting in regards to that can tell whether you have truly given it over to God.   

To release means that you enable something to escape or you set it free.    If you have to let something means that you  have captured it.    When you capture seize it, you catch it, or you arrest it.   You take the thing into custody.    In other words you become the guardian of it.    You become its defender, protector, and keeper.   

The question is.....what are you protecting?    What are you keeping?    What thoughts?   What mindsets?   What are you taking ownership of in your mind, your will, and your emotions that you really should be releasing?   What mindset have you captured in your day to day walk that needs to be released in order for you to be free to worship God.

What you have to understand is the thing that you have captured is the very thing that is holding you captive.    Isn't it funny how we capture things.....yet we end up the ones in captivity.    It is time to move out of the place of captivity to the place of being captivated by God.   When something is attracts and it holds your attention.     We have to get to a place where the one thing that holds our attention is God.  

Release the strongholds in your mind.   The things that have come in through the process of life.    Follow the direction of the Holy Spirit and allow God the authority to stop everything else that is trying to overtake you.    God will not just come in.   You have to give Him permission to act on your behalf.  

God gave you the choice to choose Him ...... so that you could choose to give Him the authority to move in your life.  

Worship For Today....
"The Potters Hand"
Ministered By Hillsong


Anonymous said...

Lynn, this is another relevant message. YOUR messages are very thought provoking. They cause me to look at a situation from a different angle. GOD is using you in a mighty way. Keep up the excellent work and keep hearing from the MASTER!!!

mighty mo said...

Lynn, this is Miles, a.k.a. Mighty Mo on God's Faithbook. This posting inspires me to share a message on You Tube. Thank you my sister and my friend!

R. Lynn Moore said...

Thank you for your comments and inspiration to me. God is so good....He is so faithful....and I am thankful for the word that He is revealing to all of us.....

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