Thursday, November 17, 2011

Learning From The Life Of A Child How To Acknowledge The Power and Presence Of God.....

Did you say your good mornings to God?    In talking with a friend she was telling me how her son gets up and says His good mornings to God.   How he starts His day acknowledging the presence and the power of God in His life.   And the awesome thing is.....he is now checking and making sure that others have acknowledged God in their lives.   He asked her yesterday did she say her good mornings to God.  It's a part of him now.   His parents have taught him how to acknowledge the presence of the Father in his life....even as a child.   

How many of us do that?   How many of us ..... start our day or go through our day.....acknowledging who God is.    We may start out.....but do we continue in it?   How "real" is God "really" to you?   Is he part of your routine....or just the routine?   Your routine is "your fixed program".   Your this is what I do and this is how I do it.    But are you able to bring God into the things that happen outside of the norm?   When sickness comes....when disease (dis-ease) comes......are you still dwelling in the presence of God in order to get a word from Him on the situation.   

It's good to have a routine so that you don't forget what it is that you are supposed to do.   But you have to understand that God wants you standing and dwelling.   Standing on His word and dwelling in His promise.    While you are standing ..... while you are dwelling ..... He wants you as my friends child .... acknowledging His presence.   He wants  you telling and showing others "how to" acknowledge Him.   Your telling does not have to be audible.   You tell what you believe by what you do.   Your actions always outweigh what you say.    You say you love God.....but is your life (your light....what you reveal) lining up with what you say.   The actions of love are actions of sacrifice.   They are actions that say that my desire is to please the one that I'm in love with.   True love is not about what you can buy and give a person.....true love is giving a part of yourself to someone else.   God gave His son......  Are  you willing to give Him your heart?  

Learn the lesson that my friends son is teaching.   Acknowledge God today.   Acknowledge Him in your walk, your talk, your prayer, and your praise.   Acknowledge that He is with you.   Thank Him for being there.   Thank Him for waking you up, for watching over you, for protecting you, for healing you, for loving you......   Acknowledge Him for choosing represent Him.   He didn't have to do it.....but He did.

Understand today.....God is  omnipresent.....He is always there.   The question is....are you acknowledging His presence.   The thing is.....the presence of God....the acknowledgement of God being with you....brings light.   A lot of times we don't want to acknowledge His presence because we don't want to see the dirt that has become a part of our lives.    Another word for dirt is impurity.   God has come to purify us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.    All it takes is acknowledging His presence and allowing Him to have your heart.    Acknowledgement and Surrender.

Worship For Today....
"A Thousand Miles"
Ministered By Free Chapel


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU LORD for allowing me to STAND on your WORD and DWELL on YOUR PROMISES!!!

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