Monday, November 21, 2011

Are You Sending God To Voicemail? He's Trying To Prepare You.....

God is calling....will you answer?   Why is it that we ignore the call of God?   It is almost like the phone is ringing and we look to see who it is calling and we press the button to ignore the call and send it to voicemail.   We say within ourselves that we will return the call later.   How many times  have you sent someones call to voicemail and it ended up being something important.....that you needed to know.    We have to stop sending God to voicemail.   We have to stop saying we will do it later.   We will read His word later.   We will pray later.    God is trying to communicate with us.   He is trying to tell us things that are vital to our lives.    When something is is a necessity.    Meaning that it is something that we need for the next moment in our lives.   

Have you ever wondered why you can go into situations and feel empty and lost.   It's because you didn't take advantage of the time of preparation.   Preparation is something that is done to get ready for something you are about to undertake.   How can you effectively undertake life if you are not prepared for the encounters of life?  

Life's encounters come in many forms.   It comes in the form of you understand what the cross represents?   Do you understand that the stripes that Jesus took on His back was so that you could be healed?    In life you may encounter  you understand that God is your source?  In life you may encounter depression or oppression?   Do  you understand that the joy of the Lord is your strength?

There are many things that you will encounter in life.   The point is .... are you prepared for the encounter.   Are you ready for what life is bringing?   Are you able to understand that it is just an encounter.   What you do when you encounter these situations in life will determine the path of your destination and how fast you get there.    Encounters that come against your life can leave you distracted and cause you to get off track.   When a train is comes off the track and comes to a sudden halt.    That is what we do in life.   We get derailed.   But if we answer God when He is calling....He can give us the instructions we need to stay on track.   To see obstacles that are on our track of life .... in order to prepare us for everything that is ahead  and sitting dormant.   When something is dormant .... it is inactive.   It is awaiting an opportunity to make an impact or cause a change in our lives.   God's word is the tool that we need to use to use to uproot the negative tendencies that are laying dormant in our lives.     For in His word is the preparation and power that we will need to overcome these things when we encounter them in life.       

There are many types of encounters in life....but let your life only be moved by a Christ encounter.   The thing have to be in a place in God where you are able to discern what is from and in Him.   There is a difference between a distraction and a Christ encounter.    Distractions hinder you from seeing God .... whereas, Christ encounters take you closer to God.   They are designed and designated by Him ... for Him.   

Trust God with your life.   Answer Him when He calls.   Do what is necessary in order to be prepared for what life is trying to bring your way.   Prayer and Praise are tools that He has given  you to be prepared for what is ahead on your track of life.  

Worship For Today.....
"Speak Lord"
Ministered By Tamela Mann

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father God I Trust YOU!!! Help me to always answer when YOU call. I want to do what is necessary in order to be prepared for what LIFE is trying to bring my way!!!

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