Wednesday, November 09, 2011

What Is It Worth To You? Until You Understand His Plan, Purpose, and Design....You Can Never Operate As His Child.....

What is it worth to you?   What is this relationship you have with God worth to you?   Is it worth your life?   Jesus gave His life for you.   Are you willing to sacrifice your life for Him?   To sacrifice your wants, your needs, and your pick up His plan, His purpose, and His design?  

His plan....
His purpose.....
His design.....

A plan is a program or method that has been worked out beforehand.   
A purpose is the reason why something exists or is done.
A design shows not only how something looks ..... but it also shows how it functions.

So the question is....are you understanding the method that God put in place for your life before you even came on scene.   Are you understanding why you exist?   Have you looked at God's design for you .... because it tells the image that you are suppose to reflect and it explains exactly how you are to function in the earth.

God's plan is not complicated.   What we have tried to do is redesign the structure and still operate as His body.   It won't work.   God has already laid out the master plan and He is the central part of the design.   In order for the creation .... which is function properly....all parts must be in place.   For some reason, we have tried to shift all the pieces around.   We have made our thoughts, our wants, and our desires part of the central focus ..... instead of God.   We have to understand that we are not the core.   

The core is the toughest most central part of something.   It is the place that contains the seeds.   It is the nucleus.....or should I say the basis.   The nucleus of everything you do and everything you say....should always be God.  

It's time to go back to the plan.   Go back to the structure of your design.   Understand who you are....whose you are....and who created you.   You are not your own.   Not only did God design you.....but He also purchased you.    He brought back what was stolen from Him........He paid to get YOU back.    Would you pay a thief (someone who came in and stole your most prized possession) in order to get what belonged to you back?    God did.....He brought you back through the blood of Jesus.    Yet many of us still refuse to come back under the ownership or should I say the fatherhood of God.  

Understand today.....that until you understand His plan, His purpose, and His can never operate as His child.

Worship For Today....
"Created To Worship"
Ministered By Bishop Andrew Merritt and Straight Gate Mass Choir

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father, help me to understand better your plan, purpose and design for my life. Thank YOU for purchasing me back by the blood of JESUS!!!

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