Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Are You Looking At What God Is Looking At?

When you look at everything all around you.....the people, the places, the things.....are you looking at what God is looking at?   When you look at those that are in "position" .... are you seeing what God is seeing?   What is the basis of what you think is real?   How do you determine who and what God has chosen versus what you choose?    Your relationships.....  friendships.....associations......are they a result of your choice or God's choice for you?  

We have to understand that God has a standard and His standard is not like ours.   The things we choose to do......the decisions we make.......are not always the decisions God would have us to make.   They are usually based on our fleshly desire rather than God's ultimate plan.    When we choose things that go against God's plan for our lives......we are setting ourselves in opposition with God.   We are becoming God's "opponent" ...... rather than a "component" of His will, purpose, and plan.   

We have to stop "opposing" God.   When you oppose resist it.   How often do we resist what God is telling us to do.   There are only two ways you can go.   Either you go with God and what He is doing in your life......or you go against it.    There is no neutral position in God.   He is ever moving......

Take time to examine yourself today......   Ask  yourself which direction you are going in concerning the things of God.   Are you moving closer to Him and His word......or are you resisting it.   

You always have to remember that your life is not your own and someone else's life is connected to yours.   Are there people that are supposed to be connected to you that are "waiting" for you to line up with what God is telling you to do?   Stop living for yourself and in a component in what God is doing in the earth.    Be used of Him......and help someone to see His goodness through your life. 

Let your worship be real today......worship His for who He is and what He is doing in your life.......


Anonymous said...

Am I Looking At What God Is Looking At? I am striving everyday to be more like HIM. Excellent message!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great thought! I hardly ever think about people that may be connected to me based on my obedience to God! This is life-changing for me...Thanks Lynn!

R. Lynn Moore said...

Amen....God is faithful and He is looking for us to trust Him as true.....

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...