Thursday, November 10, 2011

Understanding Your Role and Living Your Life For "The Audience Of One".....

How do you minister to someone else when you are hurt?   When you are sick?   When you are in need?   How do you "push past" what is going on in your life to help someone get through their struggles?    What is your mindset?   What is your stand?    If you never go beyond can never truly help someone else and be effective for God.  

The enemy wants you consumed.   Consumed with "cares".    "A Care" is defined as a burdened state of mind.  Worry.  Stress.   What you have to understand is the key word is "consumed".   When you consume take it in.   You absorb it.   To retain or become engrossed with something.    

What are you consuming?    Is the amount of word you are taking in outweighing the amount of worry that you have?   Where is your concentration?   To concentrate means to focus.   Where is your focus?   Is it on the cares of the world or on what God has said about the cares of the world.    For He has said that He will meet your needs.....He will heal your body......He will give you peace.     What are you meditating on.....His word or your worry?  

Life is a book.   The story has already been told.    The end of the book has already been revealed and you are living it out.   You have the awesome opportunity to be a part of God's production.   The question is....who is your audience?   Are  you performing for people or for God?    You have to understand that every scene of your life is being played out before God.   There is no place that He is not.    The question is .... as you are "living  out" the scenes of life....are you calling on Him for direction?   He is the "Producer" of life and the "Director" who knows how to instruct you in the way you should go.   Are you listening?  Are you following His instructions?   Or are you going through the same scenes over and over again because you refuse to do it His way. 

Read the Word for it reveals your role in life.   It tells you exactly what to do and how to do it.    Every scene in life requires that you operate in faith and trust.    There are options in every scene.    You choose which way you want to play it out and who you are "performing" for.    Perform means to present or to fulfill.    How are we presenting and fulfilling our lives?   Instead of the presentation of our lives being for the multitude, we need to live for the "audience of one".   Our one God.    When it's all said and done....the rating, the approval, the justification of our performance.....will be before the "Audience of One".   

Adopt the attitude that nothing else matters....beyond what God has said and what He wants you to do.   For it is His seal that you seek upon your life.    For in the end....only those sealed will be able to "remain" in the presence of God.    Understand that the seal is God's emblem which says that you belong exclusively to Him.

Worship For Today....
Ministered By New Life Worship


Anonymous said...

Another relevant message-Thank YOU Lord for letting me live my life for the "Audience of One"- Only You and You Alone.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mom. It's Kris. Today's word was truly a blessing to me. Thank you for allowing God to use you.

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